The Top 5 Most Influential Rock Bands

1969 Inc
5 min readMar 30, 2021


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If you want to learn a little bit more about the influences of rock and roll then look no farther than this article. Today, we are going to talk about the top 5 most influential bands of all time! Each one of these bands had a huge contribution to rock and roll and changed something about the genre, its sound, or the way that its played. All of these bands are also some of the most notable bands of all time and maybe that is why they have such a large influence. However, from changing the types of songs people were writing, to the way they were playing their instruments, these bands all had a large impact on rock and roll in one way or another. So, without further ado, let’s get into the article and find out a little more about the most influential bands of all time!

#5 Nirvana

Often when thinking about the most influential rock bands, people tend to make the mistake of only thinking about bands that played 50 or so years ago. While Nirvana was a fairly recent band, they were still an extremely influential one. They revitalized the whole punk rock genre and created music that was truly new! When Nirvana came on the scene, we had not heard music like theirs before. This new type of punk along with the energy of the band inspired many artists to start creating music. In fact, if you ask a lot of the big music stars today where they got their influence from, many of them will tell you Nirvana! One great example of this is Post Malone, who said that he was heavily inspired by the band and their music.

#4 The Beatles

The Beatles are a no brainer for this list since they lit the way for the rock bands of the 70s and 80s. The Beatles did not have a loud and hard sound but that’s not the point. The Beatles music was already faster and louder than what came before them and that is what is so important. They were the band that really took the first step to transition the world from swing music and slow jazz into real rock and roll! When many people listen to the Beatles, they often will think that it doesn’t sound like rock and roll because we not have so many bands that are louder and more brash than the Beatles. However, like I said, none of the other bands would have been able to do it if it was not for the Beatles creating their first album. Their songs were short but they were fast paced and considerably louder than anyone that came before them. With this, they laid the foundation for rock and roll for the next 50 years to come!

#3 The Clash

The Clash were one of the first bands to really envision a world where music can power social and political change and that is what they aimed to have their music do. They were one of the first bands to truly try to use their music to stimulate social change. This spurred on a whole slew of artists and rock musicians for years to come. Before them, people didn’t quite sing as much about politics but rather focused more on love songs or songs about other things. On top of that, they also contributed to the loudness of the rock and roll generation. The Clash was a loud band and they were not afraid of turning it up to 11!

#2 Jimi Hendrix

As far as contributions to the guitar and how it is played, no one has done more than Jimi Hendrix. Widely considered as a god in most guitar circles, Jimi Hendrix defined the rock and roll sound. He was louder, faster, and more extreme than anyone before him. He created new chords and scales on the guitar, and used existing ones in ways that had not previously been seen before. He took the technology of his time and pushed it to the absolute extreme! He wanted his sound to be the newest and loudest sound that people were hearing, and he succeeded in doing that. No one else contributed as much to the guitar as Jimi Hendrix did. By 1970, he had changed the way the guitar would be played for the rest of time. He did things that no one else could since to him, the guitar was like another limb!

#1 Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin, by far, had the largest impact on rock and roll and the way that it sounded. When you think of class rock and roll, you think of Led Zeppelin. Jimi Hendrix may have changed the way that the guitar is played, but Jimmy Page perfected it. Robert Plant took inspiration from blues and created a vocal sound that defined an era. To add to that, no one has done more for drumming then John Bonham. All of the members of the band were extremely experimental and this is what truly pushed their sound to new heights. Jimmy Page used different effects and microphone placements to create new echos and other sounds on the guitar and John Bonham defined what true rock and roll drums should sound like by adjusting the location and mixing of the microphones. After Led Zeppelin, rock and roll was changed for the better!


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